O dia corria dentro da nova normalidade que já deixara de ser nova há mais de dez anos.
Pandemia atrás de Pandemia, doenças habituais num crescendo nunca antes visto, crises energéticas, tempestades perfeitas de manhã, à tarde e à noite,  vulcões em erupção durante anos,  manifestações contra e a favor de tudo e de todos, escassez de alimentos e tudo o mais que se possa imaginar eram parte integrante do dia a dia da nova normalidade na Europa.
Tomás abandonou a sua roulote sem a trancar.  Nada tinha para ser roubado.
A sua velha bicicleta desaparecera na noite anterior da porta do hospital onde trabalhava.  Era tudo o que precisava para terminar um dia em beleza depois de dois turnos na urgência.
Restava-lhe caminhar os cerca de 14 km que separavam o hospital da roulote.


The day was running along with the new normality that had ceased to be new for over ten years. Pandemic after Pandemic, usual illnesses in a never-before-seen crescendo, energy crises, perfect storms morning, noon and night, volcanoes erupting for years, demonstrations against and in favor of everything and everyone, food shortages and everything more that one can imagine were part of the daily life of the new normality in Europe. Tomás abandoned his trailer without locking it. There was nothing to be stolen. His old bicycle had disappeared the night before from the door of the hospital where he worked. It was the icing on the cake to end that day after two shifts in the ER. He just had to walk the 14 km that separated the hospital from the trailer.


It’s not worth to have a soul