World Space Week 2019 SPUTNIK

Space Today


World Space Week 2019



Sputnik, any of a series of 10 artificial Earthsatelliteswhose launch by theSoviet Unionbeginning on Oct. 4, 1957, inaugurated the space age. Sputnik 1, the firstsatellitelaunched by man, was a 83.6-kg (184-pound) capsule. It achieved anEarthorbitwith anapogee(farthest point from Earth) of 940 km (584 miles) and a perigee (nearest point) of 230 km (143 miles), circling Earth every 96 minutes and remaining in orbit until early 1958, when it fell back and burned in the Earth’satmosphere.

Sputnik 2, launched on Nov. 3, 1957, carried the dogLaika, the first living creature to be shot into space and orbit Earth. Eight more Sputnik missions with similar satellites carried out experiments on a variety of animals to testspacecraftlife-support systems; they also tested reentry procedures and furnished data on spacetemperatures,pressures, particles,radiation, andmagnetic fields.


How Sputnik Worked

Sixty years later, and humanity’s first…

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World Space Week 2019

World Space Week (WSW) is an annual holiday observed from 4 to 10 October in various parts of the world, including Europe and Asia. World Space Week is officially defined as “an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition”.


The United Nations and World Space Week

The United Nations General Assembly in 1999 declared October 4-10 annually as World Space Week. This declaration was recommended by the UNISPACE-III conference held in Vienna, Austria earlier that year. 

Today, the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs in Vienna provides the overall global coordination of World Space Week, under the guidance of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, and with the support of World Space Week Association, a non-government organization.  Together, they encourage the broadest possible participation in World Space Week by organizations globally.

The UN Office of Outer Space Affairs performs various World Space Week functions, including:

Conducting special programs during World Space Week

Publishing World Space Week Annual Reports

Representing the UN on the Board of Directors of World Space Week Association

Funding distribution of World Space Week Posters to National Coordinators

In World Space Week


On December 6, 1999, The United Nations General Assembly declared World Space Week as an annual event celebration to be commemorated between October 4 and 10. The choice of dates was based on recognition of two important dates in space history: the launch of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957; and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967.

World Space Week is the largest annual space event in the world.] In 2017, World Space Week was celebrated with over 3,700 events in 80 countries. Events included school activities, exhibitions, government events, and special activities at planetaria around the world.

Annual themes

Each year, a theme for World Space Week is established by the Board of Directors of World Space Week Association.

Under the theme “Exploring New Worlds in Space”, many events of World Space Week 2017 focused on plans for human exploration of space and recent discoveries of Earth-like planets in nearby solar systems. In 2018, the theme for World Space Week was “Space Unites the World”. This in part recognizes the historic UNISPACE+50 gathering to be held in Vienna this year.

Activities and observances

The World Space Week Association is a non-government, non-profit organization, which is supported by national coordinators in over 50 nations. It is led by an all volunteer Board of Directors including Buzz Aldrin, Bill Nye, Tom Hanks, Elon Musk, Dorin-Dumitru Prunariu, Max Grimard, Lisa LaBonte, and space leaders from around the world. Its goals are to educate people around the world about the benefits that they receive from space, encourage use of space for sustainable economic development, foster enthusiastic education and interest in science and cooperation between nations through space outreach and education.

The association provides resources for educators in grade K-12.

A Calendar of Events from nations celebrating World Space Week is available.

SPACE India is the only Regional Coordinator of World Space Week In India

2019 World Space Week Highlights

The Highlights section showcases some of the creative, innovative and popular events that brought people together to celebrate space.

Cruise liner Cunard will conduct its annual Transatlantic Space Week aboard its flagship Queen Mary 2, as it voyages from Southampton to New York from Sep 26 to Oct 4, 2019. The journey will feature a variety of space-themed experiences, including talks from distinguished space explorers and astronomers.

ESA will host its Open Day on October 06 at ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. With the theme of ‘ESA to the Moon’, guests include 2 Apollo astronauts and an ESA astronaut.

This year, World Space Week aligns with International Observe the Moon Night celebrated on October 5 2019. It is an international celebration of lunar and planetary science, celestial observation, and the cultural and personal connections we have with our Moon. Register your World Space Week event as part of International Observe the Moon Night.

In Mexico, the National opening ceremony for World Space Week will be held at the H. Escuela Naval Militar in Veracruz state, on October 04. It will be attended by the State Governor, WSWA Board Chairman Dr. Javier Mendieta, Navy officers and others. At the closing ceremony, the state’s Juvenile Symphonic Ochestra will play “Space” related music. 

Space Week Ireland will be organizing a number of events including a Space Careers Roadshow, Industry Day, ESERO Space Education Conference.

1st Women on the Moon 2019 Essay Contest organized by International Lunar Observatory Association and Moon Village Association. Open to all women 21 years of age or older (by 25 February 2019) from any country. Deadline is 10 October.

Adria Space Conference will be held in Zagreb, Croatia on October 4 to foster and strengthen regional cooperation in research and development of space science and technologies.

Malta is launching several events during World Space Week.

Numerous events have been lined up in the United Kingdom, such as astronaut appearances, New Scientist Live, London Space Network, National Space Centre in Leicester, workshops, lectures, planetarium shows, and more

World Space Week Netherlands and World AI Summit are hosting an event on ‘Breaking the boundaries of space with AI‘ on Oct 9 in Amsterdam.

In World Space Week

Portugal, Porto

5th October 2019 

A Era Espacial – Semana Mundial do Espaço 2019

De 4 a 10 de Outubro comemora-se a Semana Mundial do Espaço 2019! E o Planetário do Porto – CCV não poderia deixar passar a oportunidade de abrir as suas portas e recebê-lo para comemorar connosco. Dia 5 de Outubro venha lançar foguetões, ouvir um debate sobre o Espaço, com a cientista-astronauta Ana Pires, e assistir à estreia do novo filme imersivo “O Despertar da Era Espacial”. Uma oportunidade para partilhar com a família uma tarde diferente, onde o Espaço será personagem principal.

A Era Espacial – Semana Mundial do Espaço 2019

De 4 a 10 de Outubro comemora-se a Semana Mundial do Espaço 2019! E o Planetário do Porto – Centro Ciência Viva não poderia deixar passar a oportunidade de abrir as suas portas e recebê-lo para comemorar connosco. Dia 5 de Outubro venha lançar foguetões, ouvir um debate sobre o Espaço, com a cientista-astronauta Ana Pires, e assistir à estreia do novo filme imersivo “O Despertar da Era Espacial”. Uma oportunidade para partilhar com a família uma tarde diferente, onde o Espaço será personagem principal.

O setor do Espaço tem, por vezes sem nos apercebermos, uma grande influência no nosso dia-a-dia. De uma forma direta, é usado para detecção de incêndios, avaliação de recursos naturais, sistemas de geolocalização, previsão meteorológica, ou indiretamente, através da transferência de tecnologia que está nos telemóveis, eletrodomésticos, vestuário técnico, ou mesmo no acesso à internet.

Em 2000, com a adesão à Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA), Portugal passou a desempenhar um papel mais ativo no desenvolvimento de missões espaciais e novas tecnologias para a ESA, com benefícios diretos para a indústria e a economia nacional.

Em 2019, foi criada a Agência Espacial Portuguesa, com o objetivo de coordenar a participação nacional na ESA, além de gerir e promover a plataforma de lançamento de pequenos satélites, a ser construída na ilha de Santa Maria – arquipélago dos Açores.

O Planetário do Porto – Centro Ciência Viva convida-o a participar no seu programa especial comemorativo da Semana Mundial do Espaço. A 5 de outubro venha assistir à estreia da versão portuguesa do filme imersivo “O Despertar da Era Espacial”*1, participar em oficinas de construção de foguetões e ficar a conhecer melhor a estratégia nacional para o Espaço.

Programação: Sábado, 5 de outubro

15h00   O Espaço à conversa, com Ana Pires (cientista-astronauta)

16h00   Estreia do filme imersivo “O Despertar da Era Espacial”

16h00   Oficina de foguetões

17h00   Filme imersivo “O Despertar da Era Espacial”

17h00   Oficina de foguetões

18h00   Encerramento

In Planetário do Porto

O Despertar da Era Espacial


Partindo do lançamento do Sputnik 1, o primeiro satélite artificial, passando pelas históricas alunagens, até aos voos espaciais de companhias privadas, mergulhe nesta impressionante e rigorosa reconstituição histórica dos primeiros passos da humanidade no Espaço. Quem foram estes homens e mulheres que desafiaram a morte nestas perigosas aventuras? Testemunhe a sua motivação, paixão e perseverança em “O Despertar da Era Espacial”.

Produzido por

MIRAGE 3D, Holanda, 2007

Título original: Dawn of the Space Age

Criação e produção executiva: MIRAGE 3D, Holanda, 2007

Argumento e Realização: Robin Sip

Produção: MIRAGE 3D, Holanda, 2007

Som: Bob Kommer Sound Studios

Narração original em inglês: Tony Maples

Tradução e adaptação para português:  Planetário do Porto CCV

Revisão científica: Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA)

Narração em português: 

Dawn of the Space Age Trailer